How could we help?
In January of 2020, Australia’s beautiful habitat was attacked by devastating fires, leaving hundreds of thousands of animals in distress. The events saddened us deeply, which got us asking ourselves:
What can we do to help?
Being the animal lovers we are, our team decided to help. We got together and worked relentlessly to create beautiful designs of kangaroos and koalas, animals that symbolize Australia and our support of the crisis at hand. During the entire month of January 2020, 10$ from every phone case sold was donated to the Wires foundation, an Australian wildlife rescue organisation.
36,670$ in 30 days, solely from these 2 designs. That’s 3667 cases sold for this cause. As a small company, our hearts were filled with gratitude.
Being able to help WIRES save Australien animals affected by this natural disaster was an honour. We’re so deeply appreciative of our community for getting involved.
Click here to see the announce of the donation on Facebook.